Five Tips to Help Seniors Age-in-place

senior eating together

The number of elderly Americans is growing rapidly. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, more than 50 million people aged 65 and older in 2019. This number is expected to increase to nearly 72 million by 2030.

The vast majority of elderly Americans live in households headed by someone age 65 or older. However, a growing share lives in households headed by someone under age 65. Among those living in elder-headed homes, nearly half (48 percent) are married couples, while the remainder is single individuals living alone or with non-relatives.

With these statistics, there’s a good chance that you have an elderly in your household. Although most elderly aged 65 can take care of themselves, they’ll need more help taking care of themselves as they grow older. Here are a couple of tips to ensure that you can help your senior live a healthy life.

Senior working out


Aging-in-place is a growing trend among seniors in the U.S. Essentially. It refers to the idea that seniors should be allowed to live in their homes for as long as possible, regardless of their age or ability.

This can give them a better mental and physical life. Moreover, they can enjoy their lives a lot better. It’s good to hire an assisted living professional to maximize this fully. They can help with things like transportation, medication management, and more. They won’t be at home all the time so you’ll still have some private time.

Stay Social

Seniors who stay socially active have been shown to have a better quality of life. This is because socialization provides mental stimulation, helps ward off loneliness, and gives a sense of purpose.

There are plenty of ways for seniors to stay social. They can join a club or group, visit the library, or go on walks with friends. In addition, many social media platforms cater to seniors. These allow them to communicate with friends and family members worldwide.

Organic Diet

It’s also important to talk about the organic diet. This is becoming an increasingly popular diet and one that many seniors should take advantage of whenever they can.

The main principle of an organic diet is to avoid processed foods and eat as much fresh, unprocessed food as possible. By doing this, your elderly will get the most nutrients possible and prevent harmful chemicals found in processed foods.

You can get and prepare organic food from many places these days, including grocery stores, farmers’ markets, and even online retailers. Just make sure that you’re getting certified organic food by the USDA. However, an organic diet might require some time to prepare especially if you’re making food for yourself and your home’s elderly.

The best way to bypass is to do meal prep. Meal prepping is where you cook all of your meals for the week on Sunday and heat them during the weekdays. This way, you know that every meal is healthy and organic. You can find plenty of recipes online or in cookbooks designed for the elderly or those with dietary restrictions.

Physical Activity

Physical activity is another crucial factor in keeping your elderly loved ones healthy. Exercise has improved mental health, increased lifespan, and prevented chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes.

Luckily, there are many different types of physical activity that your elderly can do, depending on their abilities and interests. For example, swimming is an excellent option if they like to swim. Or maybe they prefer walking or biking? The possibilities are endless! However, if their mobility is limited, you can stick with walking and light aerobic exercises. Light walking can burn 100 calories in 30 minutes, making it an attractive choice.

The best way to ensure that your elderly are getting enough physical activity is to set up a routine that they can stick to. If they exercise in the morning, then make sure that they have everything they need before they start their day. This includes water, comfortable clothes, and the right shoes.

Play Video Games

Interestingly enough, a mix of physical activity and video games have good implications for your senior at home. According to a study done in 2016, seniors who play video games are more likely to have a positive outlook on life. They’re also more social and less likely to suffer from depression.

Of course, not all video games are created equal. The best ones for seniors are the ones that don’t require too much physical activity but still provide a good challenge. One example is the Wii Fit game which has balance and strength-training exercises. Another great option is Brain Age which helps with memory, math, and logic skills.

You can find these games online or at your local game store. Just make sure that you get the right version for your console or computer.

As you can see, there are many different ways to keep your elderly loved ones healthy and happy. It’s important to encourage them to stay social, eat a healthy diet, and get plenty of physical activity. By doing this, you can help them live a long and fulfilling life.

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