Holistic Living

woman pinching the bridge of her nose while feeling anxious

How a Bit of Mindfulness Everyday Decreases Job Burnout

Numerous people are guilty of carrying on with their day, even when they’re not feeling their best. And as a result, it’s hammering away at their mental and emotional well-being, exposing their health to risk factors that shouldn’t be there in the first place. One of the leading and most relevant causes behind this tragic […]

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mindfulness at work

Mindfulness Exercises for a Better Life

Mindfulness refers to being aware of the things around you. In terms of putting your health at the forefront, mindfulness is how you put effort into understanding your mind and body more than you did before. Mindfulness exercises are some activities that you can do to make this conscious action more apparent, letting you be

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diffuser on the table

Melatonin Diffuser: What is it and Does it Work?

Many people find it hard to get a good night’s sleep, and this can have serious health implications. When you don’t sleep well, your stress levels increase and so does your risk of developing other chronic conditions, like diabetes or cardiovascular disease. You’re not alone if you’re struggling to sleep. The Sleep Foundation reports 35.2

Melatonin Diffuser: What is it and Does it Work? Read More »

elder parents walking through a hill beside the beach laughing

What You Should Remember Every Time You Take Your Grandparents On A Trip

Even if it’s just for a day at the museum or an extended beach trip, everyone in your family – your grandparents included – would enjoy them. But of course, because senior people are often fragile and easily stressed, you would need to exert additional efforts to make them feel comfortable. So, here are the

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