Does Almond Milk Go Bad? Understanding Expiration Dates and Storage

almond milk
  • Almond milk is the most popular dairy-free drink alternative.
  • Almond milk lasts 7 to 10 days when stored in a refrigerator.
  • There are several sensory signs on how to tell if almond milk is bad: bloated cartons, weird smell, and funny taste.
  • You should store your almond milk at 32-40 °F to keep its freshness and quality.
  • Almond milk can last 5 to 10 days when stored properly without losing its quality and nutrition effects.

Almond milk has become one of the most popular choices among people who prefer plant-based or dairy-free diets. Besides being a lactose-free dairy drink alternative, almond milk is also an excellent choice for those who want to cut calories but still include milk in their diet.

How often have you asked yourself, ‘Does almond milk go bad’? As a plant-based milk type, there are several rules for properly storing that, if not applied, will affect the milk’s shelf-life, nutrition profile, condition, and overall quality.

Another important thing when choosing your alternative dairy beverage is being informed about milk’s nutrition profile and ingredients, especially if you live a wellness-oriented lifestyle. Knowing the different factors affecting the milk’s shelf-life, proper storage, and overall safety will help you make informed decisions.

So, can almond milk go bad? Let’s explore this topic together!

holding two almond milk

Understanding Almond Milk Expiration Dates

Every food product has an expiration date that tells us how long the product will be in its best quality, taste the best, and retain its unique texture. As with everything else, almond milk can go bad if left sitting in the fridge for too long.

There are different expiration dates on almond milk according to its storage. Speaking of expiration dates, only 68.1% of Americans know the true meaning of ‘expiration date’ – the date after which the product shouldn’t be used.

Almond milk can last up to one month past the printed date when sitting in the pantry. If it’s opened and stored in a refrigerator, it can last up to 10 days.

Different Types of Almond Milk

According to studies, most US citizens prefer almond milk, among other alternative dairy beverages.

As sales studies and statistics show, almond milk blends with coconut and cashews are most popular among consumers. Whether your flavor preferences are a classic almond milk taste, unsweetened, sweetened, or any type of flavor combination such as coconut, dark chocolate, or vanilla, you can enjoy your diet by adding alternative dairy beverages.

Unsweet almond milk has no added sugar and contains 50% more calcium than the regular milk. You can also choose between the classic vanilla almond milk taste or go for the unsweet version of it. For those who prefer a chocolatey taste, you can go for the dark chocolate almond milk with 25% less sugar and 50% more calcium than the classic chocolate milk.

But does almond milk go bad if left out? Let’s discuss this below.

Factors Affecting Almond Milk Shelf Life

Does almond milk go bad if kept on shelves? Well, it certainly can if not stored properly. Several factors can cause almond milk spoilage, such as temperature, light exposure, and pasteurization.

When exposed to light and high temperatures, almond milk can start losing its fresh taste and spoil faster. Also, choose pasteurized almond milk to prevent bacteria and other microorganisms from multiplying.

To prevent your almond milk from going bad, always store it at the back of the fridge because storing it in the fridge door where the temperature fluctuates every time the door opens/closes can make it go bad faster. Store your unopened shelf-stable almond milk tightly sealed in a dark space at room temperature to prevent spoilage.


Signs of Spoiled Almond Milk

Let’s learn how to tell if almond milk is bad. There is a tight relationship between sensory perception and food safety, and here are some of the signs indicating expired almond milk:

  • Bloated carton – If it looks bloated or plumped
  • Weird smell – Almond milk typically smells kind of nutty, so any weird smell means it’s spoiled
  • Strange appearance – Lumps, curdlings, or weird texture that can’t be fixed with carton-shaking
  • Mold – Spoiled almond milk usually has mold spots or fungus specks
  • Funny taste – Noticing any sour or bitter taste means the milk is spoiled

Proper Storage of Almond Milk

To maintain almond milk’s freshness and quality, it’s crucial to store it properly. Whether stored in the markets or your own home, the ideal temperature for keeping an unopened almond milk safe is between 32-40 °F. Also, when you store your milk at home and out of the refrigerator, remember to place it in a dark and dry space.

Almond Milk’s Shelf Life After Opening

How long does almond milk last, you may wonder? If you store your unopened almond milk in the refrigerator, it can sit out safely for up to one month. Once you open it, storing it at a temperature between 32-40 °F to preserve its original taste, quality, and freshness is vital. This way, it can last up to 5-7 days. Store it in the back of the refrigerator where the air is less fluctuating to prevent it from earlier expiration.

Another way to prevent expired almond milk is to close the containers tightly after each use. This way, you’ll prevent air exposure from spoiling the milk quickly.

Almond Milk and Food Safety

You can consume your almond milk safely near or even after its expiration date only if you store it properly.

How to tell if almond milk is bad? Studies show that consuming expired almond milk can lead to milk-borne diseases that can impact the normal processes of your digestive system. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These digestive issues are caused by the mycotoxins of the mold developing within the bottle.

different kinds of nuts with milk

Almond Milk’s Nutritional Profile

Let’s explore the nutritional profile of almond milk and what makes it that good. Besides being lactose-free and vegan, almond milk is low in calories and a rich source of calcium and other vitamins you need on a daily basis, like Vitamin E, Vitamin D, Phosphorus, and Manganese.

Almond milk is consumed as a high-protein nut-based milk, especially among fitness enthusiasts. Some statistics show that the global per capita almond milk consumption for 2023-2024 is expected to grow by 7.40% due to its nutritional benefits, rising lactose intolerance, and preference for plant-based diets. Consuming almond milk on a daily basis can also make a significant difference in your diet due to its rich protein content. Only one cup of almond milk has 1g. protein and 3g. fats, making it a way better choice than regular cow’s milk.

Wrapping Up: Does Almond Milk Go Bad?

Knowing all this, you can answer the question, ‘Does almond milk go bad?’. But let’s sum it up together!

How long is almond milk good after opening? Always choose a dark and dry space when buying almond milk and storing it at home. Once you open it, keep it at a temperature between 32-40 °F, preferably in a refrigerator. This way, your milk can last up to 10 days, and you can safely include it in your diet on a daily basis.

So next time you visit a store, choose almond milk over any other type and enjoy its rich, nutritious, and nutty flavor while nurturing your body, mind, and soul.

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